Experience Dream 2 Xtreme

We at Imagination Entertainment love our jet set lives with our Gogo Wi-Fi and frequent flier miles that take us to ballrooms and theaters all over the world.  But when we get to do one of our favorite shows in our home town of San Diego, CA – it’s really a special treat that even the roasted peanuts served a mile high can’t compete with.  Now, we can’t exactly say we’ve eliminated the concept of flying high on this event, as even though it was locally based, this version of our Dream2xTreme show featured a custom trapeze station, complete with netting where the guests each got a chance to live their dream by temporarily running away and joining the circus, safely rigged high above their friends down below.  Check out this short video that shows our gests experiencing D2X that fuses Xtreme stunts and sports into an edgy spectacle.